LatAm Uncovered – Santa Catarina, Brazil (Mark 3)

The final episode on the 3-part focus on the state of Santa Catarina in Brazil sees the focus remain resolutely focused on PPP and yet another interesting spotlight on a region that has been re-building its relationship with the market.

IJGlobal content director Angus Leslie Melville welcomes 2 guests to this latest podcast, discussing the state PPP market with:

  • Ana Paula da Silva (Paulinha) – representative at the Santa Catarina State House of Representatives
  • Renato Lacerda – director of the PPP unit (also acting as translator)



Paulinha – speaking a couple of weeks ago (19 July 2023) at the Inter American Development Bank conference PPP Americas in Panama – talked about plans for PPPs in prisons, health, education and sanitation.

Together they outline a pipeline that will be of a great deal of interest to the international community with a good ESG angle on the penitentiary front where a great deal of focus is going on reducing recidivism.

The state is working with BNDES on the prison projects and they are expected to come to market towards the end of this year and early next (2024).

In the health sector, Santa Catarina is planning an investment – a market first – which is ready to go public, but is currently under review but is expected to come to market “soon”.

On the education front, this is more embryonic and the state is looking to learn from other regions of Brazil to deploy best practice. These projects are not expected until late 2024, even pushing into 2025.

As to sanitation, sewage and sanitation is – like education – at an early stage in the procurement and announcements are expected in 2024. The goal here is to roll out a programme that impacts the less densely populated areas in the state to provide services they require.

Forestry is also an area where Santa Catarina has PPP plans, rolling environmental ambitions together with economic development. The pilot park concession is expected imminently.

To hear about the plans in greater detail, tune into the podcast…

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Inter-American Development Bank Company Tracker
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