LatAm Uncovered – Santa Catarina, Brazil (Mark 2)

The state of Santa Catarina features again in the second of a series of 3 podcasts where mayors speak about the opportunity for PPP in southern Brazil.

IJGlobal content director Angus Leslie Melville sets up stall at the Inter American Development Bank conference – PPP Americas last month in Panama – and records (with translation support from IJ colleague Albert Negron) the latest LatAm Uncovered podcast for Infra Dig.



The guests on this podcast are:

  • Paulo Henrique Dalago Müller – mayor of Bombinhas, also rotating president for AMFRI (Associação dos Municípios da Região da Foz do Rio Itajaí)
  • Aquilles da Costa – mayor of Penha
  • Erico de Oliveira – major of Ilhota

Conversation centres on all matters PPP, giving the listener a 360 view of the municipal market.

The first to talk is Mayor Müller – representing Bombinhas and the 11 municipalities that fall under the scope of AMFRI – and his city is working with the IDB to deliver 2 PPP projects: a 500 metre road tunnel and an EV charging network.

Paulo fleshes out the role played by AMFRI of which Ana Paula da Silva – representative at the Santa Catarina State House of Representatives (subject of the third podcast in this series) – is president.

Discussion centres on interesting plans which reach a key stage late this year (2023) and will set a precedent for the Brazilian infrastructure sector, connecting all the municipalities in the region.

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